Tuesday, January 5, 2010


2009 was an amazing year for me I got everything I ever wanted. I didn't get everything I ever wanted in 2009 but I got it all by 2009 which is pretty awesome. But with having everything completed that ever thought I wanted more doors were opened for things that I now need to do or want to do. So I think the best way to start of my blog is by saying "Thank you God and please continue to be with me as I journey through life." I have decided to make a list of things to do in order to keep me focused on my goals. So please feel free to add comments or add to my list as I am always in need of suggestions and love to do new things.
  1. Lose weight: This is heavy, this may actually be the one thing that I didn't get accomplished by 2009. Which means I have the majority of my time to focus on getting a grip on these hips. I plan to buy a treadmill and some hand weights today in an effort to make this happen. Also I want to cut off bread, rice, and noodles. These are my first courses of action. If I don't see drastic changes by May, liposuction will be on its way.
  2. Get married. I claim that I will fall deeply in love (very hard for me to do) and that I will commit one hundred percent to my relationship by focusing our relationship on God and not on the trivial aspects that make relationships run amuck.
  3. I will be my sons parent, friend, playmate, educator, inspiration, role model, and all that these jobs entail in a positive awe inspiring way. I will be more patient and I will stop cussing around him and others. Cussing is okay in moderation but I don't want to set that example for him, I want to teach him to stretch his mind in a new and phenomenal way. I want to show him healthy habits for living, thinking, and being.
  4. I will be nicer on the outside; I am plenty nice on the inside, I will move mountains for people but I tend to do it with a chip on my shoulder and a complaint in my mouth. If I really have issues with offering help I will pray and make the decision that is best, but if I decide to help I will do it with a willing heart.
  5. I will be a better friend. I will stay in contact with people more. Having kids and being a single parent is no reason to not keep in touch. With the computer, phone, and the ability to write letters. So I'm just gonna stop being lazy.
  6. I'm gonna commit to finishing my book this year. It may not be the book of my dreams but it is a goal and with one comes many more, but it will completing that first foundational step that will be so inspirational.
  7. I will order my mind and my thoughts and commit to decisions. Indecisiveness has gotten me nothing but more indecisiveness. If I have to make a decision I will make and live with it. If a decision is not necessary then I will let it go and let God.
  8. Last thing I'm going to do is P.U.S.H. I'm gonna continuously pray until something happens.

So that is a pretty developed list, and I am ready to get started on it.

Love ya later Magic

1 comment:

  1. Whoever told you that you weren't one in a million is wrong. I love the blog. Super proud. You were blessed to be able to make the things you see in your mind, happen in life just because you can. Don't forget the talents you have.

    If the world would just give me what I want when I asked for it, I wouldn't have to take it.

    I look forward to reading your book
