Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Circle of Boyfriends

Its funny but seems it has come full circle. Everybody who was once in my past as an ex has seemed to become an ex again and it seems for mostly the same reasons. So does that make me the what if chic. Like what if we had gotten married, what if we had made it work, what if the world were perfect. In many ways I'm still the same girl that they knew when we dated and many ways I'm not. Like I still love all your attention, but unlike before I'm grown as hell and I don't need to talk to your butt on the phone for hours at a time. There is something supremely wrong with a man who wants to spend hours on the phone once your in a relationship. If he got time to be on the phone all day he is not on his grind like he should be and a man should always be on his grind. Furthermore, I have a kid and job, and responsibilities, I don't have time to be on the phone all night getting tired. Come to my house and help me with some things and will talk over dinner. I want to see you I don't want no 4 hour convo. (Speak sister) Okay I shall continue in true Magical fashion, I use to love a good lookin cut up light skin brother. I even dated shall we say the non-ethnics (to keep me offensiveness down), in my world it was all good. Well now I'm a big girl and like my men to still be fine but I high a 99% perference for black men. I love all ranges of the choclate rainbow. I love my blue black brother and my light brights and my yellow, browns, and reds. I love me some brothers, now if only I could get them to love me back. So basically as you can tell I am a more evolved diva with a definite agenda. I don't love to just love anymore, its got to be worth the love. Really if your bringing nothing to the table stay at home and jack off don't come over here getting my happy hopes up. No good stick if you don't have a good j-o-b and some credit to match. I can deal with no credit cause we can build that, but no creditp; can we say mister please! So needless to say all you ex's who keep feeling the need to see if I was the one, don't come to me cause you heard of my lastest credentials now you want to juice me. Walk on by say hi but stay in my background cause you messing up my picture.

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