Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Write every day they say it builds your writing muscles.

Okay so my writing muscles are extremely weak these days, I feel as if mind has been sleeping on pillows of kryptonite and its super powers have left me.  But I will not despair getting back into the habit of writing is something that I am willing to work on just like this big ol ass of mine.  Its time to get things in order.  So that being said I don't know if I take this opportunity to tell a little ditty or add some kind of inspirational post to help you all out in the world make it, or if I just type what is on my mind.  Honestly nothing is jumping out at me saying tell my story tell my story.

Oh well here goes, I have this completely fabulous kid, and for anonymity purposes let's just call  him Football King (FK for short).  Well FK wanted to take band at the beginning of the school year.  Mind you we were already in piano lessons, math tutoring, and football.  I mean we had an activity for every night of the week.  Well basically he begging and I let him join band, now in my  heart of hearts I knew this might be a mistake.  I mean the kids had to catch the bus an hour earlier and go to school an hour earlier in order to participate.  But I am not one those parents who will deprive their child of the opportunity to go forth and conquer the world.  So here we are 2 weeks into band and he wants to stop.  Oh shit he wants to stop one day past the cut off day.  I talk to the principal and I'm given they we want the kids to try and stay in all year speech.  Okay I think about and the responsible mom thing to do is to make him stay in right; so I make him stay in it.  Then as time goes on our schedule has more stuff added, he made the spelling bee, he went to football playoffs, there were basket ball try out, then there where holidays.  Finally I got tot he point where something had to go.  I mean my money (heaven help its filthy green soul) was non-existent.  I was at the point of putting my kid and me on that ramen noodle diet you know and this is the same kid who only believes in theory that Christmas is about giving, needless to say he was expecting a Christmas gift or two.  So at this point I go ahead and turn the instrument in and email the principal and let him know that I am financially not going to make this happen.  Now even though this is not a required class and its all doing your free time, they want to give my son a failing grade.  Really, you want to fail my kid at extra-curricular activities when I tried to communicate with you.  Um no I don't think so.  So today I'm at work and I start getting all these personal text.  My son is devastated because he didn't make the honor roll.  He didn't make the honor roll because the school failed him for band.  Of course I comfort my son and tell him to put his phone away, but then me being me I shoot off a message tot he principal and try to place the blame on him.  Because honestly the school has other options and its not like they were paying for the instrument.  Hell my taxes pay their salaries, so really my so is being punished because we had to prioritize.  I don't think I like this, there where other ways this delimma could have been solved and I even gave the principal the viable alternative of letting my son finish out the month playing the piano.  No one every got back with me.  Now I'm stuck because I honestly don't feel that my son deserves the grade he got and that the school can't force this on us.  What would you do? 

Well t hat was my story for the day and my attempt at getting back into the writing game.  I definitely need to work on my content and what I want to write about but for now that is what was on my mind.  Have a good day.

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