Monday, July 5, 2010

Bad Hair Week for Sure

When you get older hair grows, it grows everywhere. I mean I've always had the occasional hair pop up were it should not be and I use to think oh thats gross. But then I had a cousin who was older and more experience tell me he had a girlfriend and she had the occasional hair here and there, so then I thought oh not so gross. Now though I am older and more experienced and I am here to confrim that there is absolutely nothing cute about hair growing out of womans chest. Yes, I hate to admit it, I had a hair that grew out of my chest and all I can say "how did it get that long and I didn't notice? Yikes! Can I get laser hair removal can I call the determotologist. How can I get naked in front of man again and not feel self concious about invisible hairs that appear out of nowhere that want to dangle down like Rapunzel. Clearly I am being melodramatic, but honestly its just not right. Oh well I immediately retrieved the tweezers and took out the offending culprit, but now I must stay ever vigilant about lone hairs on the loose.

In additiona to the sprouting hair fiasco there is also the issue with my streaks. Yes I am cheap I'll be the first to admit it. Since high school I have been putting in my highlights. Yes, I love blond streaks and my name is Shamieka and I rock a big o ghetto bootie. Aw but for now lets leave the cliche's aside. So I diligently start to do my hair and the hook breaks and I can nolonger pull hair through the cap. I look at my head and looks okay to me, actually I feel like I will be disappointed because I have not put in as many streaks as I normally would, but whatever I go ahead and color it. Oh my gosh, I remove the cap and look at my head and my streaks are completely uneven. I mean one side has way more color than the other side and I have to go see my family in 2 days. All I can say is wow. I went out to see a friend a male and the first thing he points out is my uneven streaks and he mentions they look like I have grey hair. Are you kidding me. Clearly Do It Yourself streaks are a big fat NO if your not going to do them right. So I will be trying to fix this fiasco, but who knows when, I'm going out tomorrow.

Oh will that was my last hair issue I do have a concern of what will I do when offending hairs start to turn gray. The thought of gray leg hair, armpit hair, and any other hair seems very daunting to me. For now all I can say is that I will be vigilant for all my personal hair offenders and I do believe I must find me an epilady to save the day.

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