Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Coochy waxing

        As a treat to myself I decided to get myself a brazillian wax for my bday.  Being the economical diva that I am I opted to go to the beauty school (the high end beauty school I might).  So maybe I'm more shabby chic anywhom I digress.  First I was led down to a little room divided into 4 little semi private sections, think chinese blind.  I undressed from the waste down and crawled uptop a mattress cot thingy.  The student hands me a robe for my bottom that is spotted with old wax spots, right away I'm thinking this looks used let me get my ass up and out of here.  But it is to late I am committed I am naket with my hooohaaa showing.  The teacher comes in and says she needs to assess my cooch.  She lifts up the robe and declares that I am good to go and the student can begin her work.  Okay I was expecting pain an for the most part it was like an eyebrow waxing.  But then came the moment where she had me bend my leg like a chinese pretzel and she started slipping her finger down by my clitoris (bitch hold up this feels a little gay) but then she every so skillfully rips the hair off of my lips and it was an intense make you want to smack your momma pain. And then you realize that she is going to molest you again because you can't have one side waxex and not the other.  Now I know the reason why women keep the landing strip.  So now I'm waxed and smooth like a babies bottom.  I spent the whole day at the salon and now it is time for my first post waxing pee.  Now I am out in public and being that I am over the age of 10 I am very adept at squatting.  I go to the bathroom I squatt and piss starts traveling down my legs onto my pants all over the toliet and the floor, I have even left a puddle at this point.  I'm seriously embarrased at this point and now I realize that vaginal hair does serve a purpose.  the hair sends the pee automatically in a downward motion.  I do not know the phenomonon that causes this but its true.  So now I ask you men do you want me bald and pissy, or a little hairy and fresh.  Honestly neither option sound good as sit her and type.  Oh well maybe I will have play with a combination .  But one thing is for sure is that I don't need know grown woman or young woman or any woman touch my hooo haaaaa.